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~ greetings fellow earthlings ~

we’ve been laying low over the summer, fiddling and twiddling with every possible aspect of the new album (the mixing, the mastering, the title, the artwork, the song order, etc etc ETC) but one thing has at last been decided: the release date.

so ~ if you happen to have your 2016 calendars already ~ mark down Thurs Jan 7th for a very special CD release spectacular at Oberon. over the fall there may be presale options that may have bonus tracks. there may be vinyl. we’ll keep you posted.

in the meantime: we have shows coming up around the East Coast (see the SHOWS page of this site, as well as our Facebook page), we’re now on NoiseTrade, & we’ll be releasing a brand new song through Foundwaves this Tuesday. so keep in touch.

we’ll leave you with this outtake from a recent photo shoot (photo by Matt Samolis):

Presenting . . . A Leonardo da Vinci-inspired concert extravaganza at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

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warm greetings from Jaggery Camp ~ Singer Mali here.

Delightedly & relievedly, we (pretty much almost) finished tracking the new album this past weekend ~  and so, for the remainder of this month, we turn our attention to an extremely and truly and very special and exciting show coming up for us in Boston:

We will be presenting a concert at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston on Friday, May 1st, featuring new material inspired by the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci. We’re calling the show Jaggery Presents The Beautiful & The Grotesque and it coincides with a visiting  exhibit at the MFA of rare Leonardo drawings, some of which have never been shown before in Boston (Leonardo and The Idea of Beauty).

This is a “big-deal” show for us — I’d say the biggest deal show we’ve ever had, and it’s been in the works for months.  We’ve been immersing ourselves in everything da Vinci ~ the fella was pretty much a genius, and it’s more than a little daunting, to say the least.

That being said, we’ve jumped in neck-deep  ~ almost every member of Jaggery will be creating their own piece for this one, we’re planning some never-before collaborations, and in general, THE SHOW IS GONNA ROCK LIKE . . . LIKE . . . like . . . well, I can’t think of a suitable Leo reference that would work well here, but heck, just look at the poster!

We are particularly honored to have the spectacular Rabbit Rabbit (Carla Kihlstedt/Matthias Bossi) start off the night, with special guests joining them, including bass wizard Jon Evans, who we’ve had the privilege of working with as engineer and co-producer on the new album!


where: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston – Remis Auditorium (Auditorium 161) (we don’t know what that number means, but that’s how the museum refers to the Remis – we aren’t aware of the museum having 160 other auditoriums, pretty sure the Remis is it)
465 Huntington Ave • Boston, MA 02115

when: Friday, May 1st @ 7:30pm

all ages

info & tickets HERE

Facebook Event

We REALLY REALLY hope you can make this one! We can’t wait to share the new songs (well, actually, at this stage we really can wait as they need rehearsing & some still need to be written) as well as the process of seeking inspiration from the remnants, the clues, the artifacts of the process of this very ambitious, revered, brilliant, remarkable artist/inventor/scientist and true Renaissance man.

Come party with us like it’s the fourteenth to seventeenth century!!!

hope you can make it!

Shhhhhhh – Recording In Progress

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We are very excited to announce that we’ve begun recording a new album! We’ve been working with the fantastic, ears-of-gold engineer/producer/bassist Jon Evans ~ whose credentials make us blush with excitement and nervousness (look him up) ~ at his beautiful, window-lined, magic-making studio on Cape Cod.  This is the first time we’re recording at an actual studio (that is not Mali’s basement) and working with a bona fide professional to over-see the process.  It’s been an incredible experience so far.  Here are some photos:

Mali was all business
Rachel got to play the B3 and aced it on the first take
Tony's basses in the control room
Dylan was one happy camper
Mali's view, recording vocals
Despite her repetitive strain injury, Petaluma was able to lay down harp on four songs

We will be thrilled to share the fruits of our labor with you when this thing is ready. We’re estimating a late summer or fall album release and will keep you posted on our progress here.


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Our live album, For The Record, has been officially released at last! We are all so immensely proud of this thing & are incredibly excited to share it with the world. We recorded it this past June at one of our favourite venues in Cambridge, MA & finished it just in the nick of time for tour, but have not released it to the general public up until now.  It is now up at our bandcamp page for streaming, digital download and/or CD.  Enjoy!


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Mali, Tony, Daniel, Dylan, & Rachel ~ in various combinations ~ will be embarking on our longest tour yet — 32 days, 23 shows.  We’re calling it the FOR THE RECORD TOUR in honor of our live album, finished just in time to bring on the road with us (the live album will also be available for download & mail order via bandcamp soon.)  We plan to keep, and share, daily records of this tour — photos, audio, video, who-knows-what-else — as a way to mark, and share, our adventures.  We’ll be sharing these adventures primarily on our Facebook page & with a post-tour blog here.

Look to your right for details on individual shows, or look at all the dates here & spread the word ~

& we hope to see many of you on the road!

photography: Jonathan Beckley, John Doherty

Tour listing on Facebook

WBUR’s The ARTERY 6/9/2014

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Jaggery’s Dark Avant-Pop:

‘I Don’t Feel Like What I’m Doing Is Sinister’

by Amelia Mason

photo: Matt Samolis

Sometimes, during a performance with her band Jaggery, Singer Mali (aka Mali Sastri) will emerge from behind her black-lace-draped keyboard and creep into the crowd. Clad in a floor-length white gown—or a flowing black garment, depending on the day—she lurches and spits, tossing her long, inky hair and gesticulating with fluid abandon. As the band vamps, she slides effortlessly through several octaves, sneering in the lower registers and shrieking with startling precision in the upper. A combination of seductiveness and menace, she resembles something otherworldly, like a spirit called back from the afterlife, though perhaps one none too happy to be here.

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