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Mali, Tony, Daniel, Dylan, & Rachel ~ in various combinations ~ will be embarking on our longest tour yet — 32 days, 23 shows.  We’re calling it the FOR THE RECORD TOUR in honor of our live album, finished just in time to bring on the road with us (the live album will also be available for download & mail order via bandcamp soon.)  We plan to keep, and share, daily records of this tour — photos, audio, video, who-knows-what-else — as a way to mark, and share, our adventures.  We’ll be sharing these adventures primarily on our Facebook page & with a post-tour blog here.

Look to your right for details on individual shows, or look at all the dates here & spread the word ~

& we hope to see many of you on the road!

photography: Jonathan Beckley, John Doherty

Tour listing on Facebook