more news from Laryngitis Land + 3 awesome upcoming shows in MA

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hi folks, mali here.

despite our very best intentions, we are needing to cancel our weekend shows in NY (Saturday in Schenectady and Sunday in Brooklyn). i still have laryngitis & speaking feels like trying to push/force/strain my voice through a thick barrier.


what’s almost equally annoying is that i cannot get this goddamned post to format all center, blast it!!!!!! what’s wrong with your wordpress!!!!!?!?!?!?

that being said, we have three other shows coming up, that SHOULD be far enough away for me to be well by.

these are . . . .

300 years
a free, outdoor, daytime dance & music event in Sudbury, MA

this is a non-Jaggery gig, but i will be performing an original piece commissioned by, and with, Luminarium Dance, and will be singing alongside cellist Jonah Sachs, who’s collaborated with Jaggery in the past.

from Luminarium:

“Luminarium Dance Company is proud to present this year’s Cultural Community Outreach Project: 300 Years. Join us for an afternoon of dance and live music celebrating the Wayside’s tricentennial, featuring outdoor performances by Boston’s award-winning Luminarium Dance Company and composer Mali Sastri. This 40-minute performance of contemporary dance and live music (voice and cello) will be presented three times:

@ NOON, 1:30PM, & 3PM

the event takes place at:

The Grist Mill at Longfellow’s Wayside Inn
72 Wayside Inn Rd, Sudbury MA

*Rain Date: sunday, july 24

more info

Facebook Event


we will be performing at this year’s

Outside the Box Festival
a free, outdoor arts festival on Boston Common that makes Boston feel like the best city in the whole wide world

we play on

saturday, july 16th

The Tremont Tent

at 6pm sharp

this will be an unusual set without bass or viola, but there are rumours that Tanya’s pedal harp might make another appearance . . . and seriously though, this festival is the BEST. come for the whole day & stop by before dinner.


i’m producing another ORG at Oberon:

Org: Black & White Ball

friday july 29th
Oberon • 2 Arrow Street • Cambridge, MA

this is the 42nd Org, and will feature Jaggery as well as Oakland duo FAUN FABLES (one of my all-time favorites), as well as many other local-and-otherwise performers riffing on the theme of opposites, contrasts, and extremes.
& most importantly, black & white attire is strongly encouraged.

tickets here

i am hoping beyond all hope that i recover my voice soon & all these shows can happen according to plan.
fingers-crossed love, & thank you for your support,
mali + Jaggery
[from our last show at Oberon]