Sp(l)ice ~ our RPM Challenge album ~ released

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So we did it!

The RPM Challenge 2011!

For those who don’t know, The RPM Challenge is a concept and project started by staff at the Portsmouth, NH alt-newspaper,  The Wire.  They began it in the mid 2000s, and it caught on nationally and internationally.  The challenge is to record (and they suggest write, too) an entire album (10 songs or 35 minutes) of original material over the 28 days of February.  Here’s what they have to say:

“Don’t wait for inspiration – taking action puts you in a position to get inspired. You’ll stumble across ideas you would have never come up with otherwise, and maybe only because you were trying to meet a day’s quota. . . Show up and get something done, and invest in yourself and each other.”

How could we say no to that?

Here is the result ~  Sp(l)ice, 35 minutes and 40 seconds of Jaggery experimentation:  pure pop, drum ‘n’ bass, creepy Halloween-y, ambient, this thing is all over the place.  It’s essentially unmixed & unmastered, but we’re ready to share the results with you!

Sp(l)ice Mp3 download here at bandcamp

photo:  Tony Leva / graphics: Mali Sastri

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tickets –> here

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next full band gig:

Happy Holy Daze ~ ‘Arabian Dance’ released

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~ Happy Winter Solstice ~

We are pleased to present you with our first ever holiday single:

Tchaikovsky’s ‘Arabian Dancefrom The Nutcracker Suite.

Free download available thru bandcamp: –> here <–

Share far & wide! And we wish you and yours a precious, blessings-full holiday season.

love, Jaggery